Wednesday, September 19, 2012

19 September

So far so good.  Surgery went well. The rock star was happy with what he was able to do, pretty much all he had on his list. Going in. Post op mris looked very good, so whatever he dug out, he got it all. Best news is thatVISUALLY neither he or the pathologist thought they were looking at tumor tissue.  Path reports in 2 weeks, but fingers are crossed.

Surgery Monday, icu Monday afternoon, recovery room Tuesday, home today Wednesday!

Feeling good with all the connections off. Walking a bit but not as steady as I'd like. More to come. No golf for a few weeks. Really grateful for the kind thoughts and prayers. I have carried by a thousand hands- known and unknown. I wouldn't say it's been a wonderful experience, but it has not been bad and head recoveries tend to be a little faster. We are cautiously optimistic. If you need it Hopkins is a fantastic place. Hope you never do, but if so, think about it.

Cheers rossobasso

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 12 Follow-up

September 12 Follow-up

The surgery is now scheduled for Monday, September 17 around midday at Hopkins.  The opinion going in is that we are dealing with tumor regrowth, but that will be confirmed or refuted during surgery.  At this point the amount of growth is relatively small and seems to be sprouting from the cavity walls of the first surgery.  It has invaded little if any "good" brain tissue, which means I continue to function with no noticeable loss of cognitive function or otherwise.

I don't expect this to be a major upgrade to the operating system, but rather a matter of security upgrades and bug removals.  Me 4.0 is on the way and hopefully will resemble Me 1.0 or maybe be a little more user friendly.

In the meantime it's choir tonight, maybe some singing with Patty in the next few days, and golf on Friday with my angels (Jack, Ed, and Tim)

Thank you all for the many kind thoughts and encouragement that have already come my way.  I am extremely grateful for such a network of prayer and support.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 update

Had an MRI this week. It showed that the suspicious growth from the last MRI had increased in size since August. Doctors advice is for follow up surgery which will be at Hopkins in a week or ten days. He indicates the stuff is amenable to surgery which with follow up treatments will give the best chance for recovery. No indication until the can opener is applied whether or not this is really tumor.

Not the answer we wanted, but we can work with it.