Monday, March 18, 2013

18 March Report


It has been some time since I’ve been in touch with you, and as is often the case, no news is good news, or at least qualified good news.  There is nothing new going on in the medical front, which is of course good news.  I continue in the mode of “generally fit for duty” even if inclined to nap a bit more often than might be considered normal for a person of my young(-ish) age.  More definitive opinions will be offered following my next MRI which will be next week.  In the meantime there are no signs (possibly other than my customary lethargy) to suggest any deterioration in my condition.  No alarm bells are ringing, but I appreciate all the good thoughts and prayers that you may spare in the meantime.

We returned from our month in Florida about two weeks ago and we continue to get back into the mode of pre-spring in Delaware.  Of course “pre-spring” is just another way of saying “winter.”  Wintry mix developing for the evening. North Florida proved again the strict definition of “sub-tropical” climate.  We even had a freeze or two, a good nor’easter, and plenty of dreary days, but we did get the shorts on a time or two, and came home with some evidence of a lackadaisical approach to sunscreen.

My brothers and wives, as well as Zora’s sister, visited while we were there, which was great.  The brothers and I played for the champion golfer of the year award for the first time, but sadly, we all tied for third place.  Beats the heck out of shoveling solid rain, however, so we will carry over the championship until next year and expect better golfing conditions to prevail.

We drove by Atlanta on the way home, stopping to see son John and his family.  While it was colder and drearier in Atlanta, it was still fun to be with the kids and the grandgirl for a couple days.

Thanks again for your love and support.  I will do all in my power to keep the good news coming.
