I think I have put up some of the journey over the past couple weeks, but I'll summarize a bit and get to a bottom line. The MRI from 20 Sept continued to show the existence of non-welcome guests in my cranium. As the med I had been on (Avastin) had clearly not done all asked of it, we ceased it and are researching alternate therapies. We have identified a couple that look encouraging and are in touch with them (Duke, Hopkins, Miami.) Gather data.send it off. Wait for response. Blah, blah, blah.We really hope to get something started soon. The options are: immunotherapy which jacks up one's immune system to take on the cancer cells as the invaders that they are. Good success at this at Miami and I believe, Hopkins.Don't know about Duke, but Inquiries in are progress. The other option, which doesn't look as good a match for me is viral therapy. in this the tumor is infected with a virus which does in the tumor leaving the host (me) ok (if properly protected.) I have seen reference to use of viruses from cold to polio being effective. Duke and MD Anderson (Houston) are both working this angle. I"ve contacted Duke but have some reservations on its applicability to me. Blah, blah, etc.Talk later.
The immunotherapy,in practice, looks pretty much like what I"ve been doing with Avastin (get an IV every couple of weeks); The viral therapy is a little trickier - essentially another open brain intervention. Unless convinced otherwise, I like the feel of the immunotherapy, so I am pursuing it the more agressiveley. But we need more blah, blah, blah to get things moving.Maybe winter in Miami is up for this year. So life continues - waiting for phone calls and email replies. Feeling a bit fuzzy, but up for some singing and maybe some golf later this week. and hopefully some learned medical guidance Don't quite know how I'VE GOT this typed up without wiping out. Saw a lovely production of onizetti's "Elixir of Love" yesterday at the Grand Opera House in Wilmington and enjoyed rhe company of management of ODE for dinner and stories with the Clark family also. at Casa Zora. I t was great to see and hear old friends and such a splendid production. and to bask in the love and company of family and friends.
you could wish for me and Zora The patience and wisdom to get thru this thicket of decisions and frustrations,even as we wait (impatiently) for their formal presentation.
Gooder times a'comin'. This I know.