Gentle Readers,
We saw our neurosurgeon, Dr. Weingart, Tuesday to review the most recent MRI (2 August) from his perspective. We left feeling better about the situation in my cranium than when we entered. He acknowledged the presence of some new growths, but by and large referred to them as subtle changes. He was happy with the relatively symptom-free me that he saw today .While I could wish for a few specific improvements in my condition, for the most part I'm ok, and the progression of my cancer has been much more moderate than for most. For him the more important indicator will be the next MRI, which he asked for next week (about 8 weeks from the previous). We still have the option of another round of radiation which can be very effective at the beasts that have taken up residence in my noggin We will talk about this with Dr. Weingart if the MRI comes back showing continued growth. My general good physical condition would make me a good candidate for further radiation. We will continue on the current medication, Avastin, for the time being also since it has been somewhat effective in the past. We will hope that it continues to be effective. I'll see the oncologist and get another dose of Avastin tomorrow, 9/11.
For the record, I played golf yesterday, making a couple competent strikes at the ball, and moving a lot of earth around. MY weapons of grass destruction are still deployed! I think it was one of the many foibles of the old me to have loved this game so much.
Ross, Thanks for the update. Keep up the positive thoughts. We are praying for your continued use of weapons of grass destruction. Love that... The Sings.
ReplyDeleteWell, that's good news for Ross and bad news for the grass. That's the way it should be.