Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I had my first post-surgery MRI last week and have been in touch with the “tumor
team” at Johns Hopkins for interpretation and guidance. 

Bottom line is that the nasty guy seemdsto be back and we will begin another round of
medical treatments soon here in Wilmington.  The treatment of choice is Avastin
which acts  like chemo but without the side effects.  It will reduce swelling in the
brain which should improve my wobbles also.

Currently I am struggling a bit physically, but I’m not in any pain. I have lost most of my capacity for independent mobility.  I need a cane and a spotter to leave the bed or to proceed almost anywhere.  My surgeon seems to think that these symptoms
are caused by the pressure from  the swelling of the brain; therefore, he has put
me back on steroids and is hopeful that they will largely alleviate these symptoms
within a couple of days. 

This story will change as we get more information.  We already realize that there
are questions that we neglected to ask and points on which we need clarification.
The fact remains, however, that we still have confidence in our medical team and
are optimistic as we go forward.

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