Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 13 Update

November 13, 2012 We had our visit with the medical oncologist today and have come to conclusions about ongoing therapy.  In fact, we had the first dose of “Avastin” today and have done well with it. At this point it is about a 90 minute IV, which will be repeated every 2 weeks, over  less than 90 minutes.

There was a possiblility of taking part in a national clinical trial of another drug that could be added to the Avastin, but there did not seem to be any significant medical reason to add this complication and the dox both here and at Hopkins agree that the Avastin itself is the best option  The Avastin will likely help manage the wobbliness I’ve experienced, and perhaps eliminate the need for the steroids which we’d like to lose.  It also is the most likely option at a therapy that might arrest further tumor development, an maybe even shrink what we now have.

1 comment:

  1. Our prayers and best wishes continue for you, Ross, as well as for Zora and the various offspring. I know I tell you this in every comment, but you are truly inspiring with your positive outlook. Thank you for bringing that to all of us. We need it.
